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This was a commercial I helped put together as part of a group project. This was for a marketing class at UW-Eau Claire. Our objective was to choose a major company and one of their products, write a product and company report, and make a commercial. 


In this commercial, I made the story board for what scenes we were going to shoot. I also assisted in the video editing, as well as starred in it. 

This was a news story I covered as part of my journalism capstone class at UW-Eau Claire. My objective was to portray how a snowy April was affecting local sports around Eau Claire. 


In this package, I did all the videography. I shot and edited all the video on my own. I used an ENG camera to shoot the video, and edited using Adobe Premiere Elements. 

This was part of a group project for a communications class at UW-Eau Claire. The assignment's objective was to make each group in our class aware of a social problem in the community, and have each group raise awareness of that problem to the rest of the class. Our group chose to work with the YMCA to raise awareness about the work they are doing during their "Healthy Kids Week". 


In this video, I shot all the footage on a Sony handheld camcorder. I edited all the video using Adobe Premiere Elements. 

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